How Do You Cure Diarrhoea In Cats/Kittens? | Remedies | Important |

How Do You Cure Diarrhoea In Cats/Kittens? | Remedies | Important |


Today's blog post is critical and informative. At some point, your cat/kitten will suffer from diarrhoea, so you must read through the whole article. I'll be discussing the reasons behind diarrhoea and the solution to it.

Diarrhoea doesn't only have one reason for occurring. There are several reasons, and so, the treatment is also different.

The first reason your cat/kitten may suffer from diarrhoea is food. If you instantly change your pet's diet, it will become ill. Make sure you follow the proper way you switch your cat's diet. (Click here to find out the appropriate way). Your cat won't be used to having the new food you want to introduce, so its stomach will become upset. That's why you must follow the proper method. This is a common problem; you don't have to visit the vet. Just follow the technique!

Whilst we're on the topic of food, let's talk about another cause of diarrhoea: Food allergy. Cats/kittens are lactose intolerant, meaning they can't digest milk. If you give your cat even a tiny amount of milk, it will suffer from diarrhoea. You can read this article in which I give you an alternative to milk (click here). Make sure your cat doesn't eat anything other than its food. Some cats accidentally eat plastic, or they might ingest an insect, dirt etc. Keep an eye on your pet and ensure it doesn't do so.

The second reason for diarrhoea is not getting deworming done. The parasites in your kitty's stomach will increase and cause several problems. You should get deworming done every 3 months so that there aren't any parasites inside your cat. Blood in the stool can also be because you're not getting deworming done on your cat.

The third reason your cat may be suffering from diarrhoea is viral infections. In this situation, your cat will stop eating, suffer from loose motion, and start vomiting. You must go to the vet at this point!

The fourth reason is wrong medication. If you have given your cat the wrong medicine/heavy dose of medicine or it is not digesting its treatment, it might become ill. That's why you must do your research first.

These were all the typical reasons your cat may get diarrhoea.

If your cat has regular diarrhoea, don't give it anything to eat for at least 12 hours. However, make sure there is water available to drink. After 12 hours, provide it with chicken and make sure you're not giving it any dry/jelly food. Follow this procedure, and your cat will become healthy very soon. If not, pay a visit to your vet. Before giving your cat any type of medicine, you will need to consult your vet again.

Thank you for reading my blog! Don't hesitate to leave any queries you have in the comments!!
