Cat Essentials | Everything Your Cat Needs | For New Owners |

Cat Essentials | Everything Your Cat Needs | For New Owners |


Today's blog post is a little different. I will give you a list of essentials, basically stuff that you should buy before getting a feline friend! 

1)  Cat Food: You should ask and write down whatever the breeder has told you. Do as he/she has said, and you'll be good to go.

2) For Food A Steel Bowl: Don't get plastic feeding bowls for your cats because they can result in various different problems for your pet. Instead, you can also get Pyrex, glass or even ceramic bowls. 

3) A Fountain Water Bowl: Some cats don't like drinking water and suffer from dehydration. (Click here to read more on dehydration in cats) Most cats prefer drinking from a faucet, so get this gadget, and your cat will start drinking more water again!

4) Litter box: You will need a litter box. Click here to read my blog post, where I explain all things litter! HACK: If you have a newborn kitten, you can use a shoebox lid as a litter box!

5) Grooming Supplies: Grooming is essential! Before getting a cat, you should know everything to do with it (Click here to read all about grooming!). You'll need supplies for when you bathe your cat, a brush and maybe even a flea comb.

6) Toys!: It's up to you what toys you want for your kitty. Interactive toys are the best. Ones that move around by themselves are my cat's favourite! You can even make your own DIY toys at home. Be as creative as possible!

There will obviously be a few other things you need to get, but these cant be compromised on (especially food and litter). 

Thank you for reading my blog! Don't hesitate to leave any queries you have in the comments!!
