Why Is My Cat Not Eating Anything? | Symptoms & Precautions |

Why Is My Cat Not Eating Anything? | Symptoms & Precautions |


Today's blog post is about a grave matter, and that is when a cat completely stops eating. Some reasons are minor, and others are major.

When a cat is bought and taken into a new home, it's very stressed. Therefore, it will stop eating. Also, when a female cat is pregnant or delivering babies, it will stop eating. This is normal. However, if these things are not familiar to your cat and it doesn't eat anything (not even its favourite food!), and you notice it starts becoming really weak in a day or so, you need to take it to the vet! Get it checked because there could be so many things wrong with it. For example, it could be affected by viral diseases, food poisoning, etc.

If your kitty is eating only a small amount of food, it could be that you changed its food around, and it doesn't like the food. Cats that eat dry food don't end up liking chicken. That is why, and I've mentioned before, it's best to give your cat a variety of food. Give it a lot of protein, at least a piece of chicken, daily. A cat that eats a variety of food will have more chance of surviving than a cat that only sticks to a specific type of food. Please DONT gives your cat dry food only. Give it lots of protein, and make sure you start from when it's a kitten. Or else, it'll become used to having dry food and then won't have chicken.

When cats go to a new home, they will become stressed and not eat anything. In this situation, first, you need to give it time to adjust. Pet that cat and give it lots of love. Try feeding the cat with your hands. When the cat adapts to its new home, it will start eating again.

Some cats become scared and so stop eating. Maybe they have seen a dog or another animal and have become frightened. Try keeping any sort of hazard away from your cat!

In the summer, you may notice your cat not eating as much as it used to. It may sleep a lot more than before. This is normal and so don't worry.

Thank you for reading my blog! Don't hesitate to leave any queries in the comments below!!
