How To Stop A Kitten/Cat From Biting Or Scratching | Are Cat Bites Harmful?

How To Stop A Kitten/Cat From Biting Or Scratching | Are Cat Bites Harmful?


First of all, let us discuss why cats bite? Usually, kittens bite excessively when they are 1 to 4 months old. This is because they have a lot of energy and are very active. They need to take all that energy out. Instead of giving the kittens toys, people start giving them their own hands to bite. This turns into a habit. Don't give your kitten your hands or feet to bite! It may be cute now, but the bite could be painful when they turn into adults!

Adult cats' behaviour changes with age. Especially male cats become really rude. They won't let you come near them. Another reason cats might bite is that they have some internal problems going on. In this situation, it is best to visit the vet.

How do you stop your cat from biting? Give your kittens lots of toys to play with. This way, they'll target the toys anytime they want to play, rather than you! Also, there are some places a cat doesn't like to be petted, so don't put them there. Another thing is, don't annoy your cat because it will get angry and bite you. For example, don't bother it while eating or sleeping. Most cats don't like being picked up all the time. Only pick them up when they come to you and want to be picked up.

Are cat bites harmful? If your cat stays indoors, its bites are probably not dangerous. If the bite swells up or worsens, go see the doctor. Indoor cats are vaccinated, so their bites shouldn't be a big deal.
