Ear Mites Treatment | How Do You Clean A Cats Ears? |


Ear Mites Treatment | How Do You Clean A Cats Ears?

Today's blog post is about how you clean a cat's ears and what you have to do when your cat gets ear mites. Also, how you can further prevent your cat from getting ear mites.

Method To Clean A Cats Ears:

The things you will be needed are as follows:

1) 2 Alcohol pads. You can get these at any medical store/pharmacy.                                                              2) Cotton buds (A handful)                                                                                                                                3) A syringe with olive oil. You can use coconut oil, but olive oil is a lot more effective.

The method is as follows:

1) The first thing you have to do is take your alcohol pad and thoroughly clean the inside of your cat's ears (put it inside your cat's ear and move it around). The alcohol pad will kill and prevent the growth of any bacteria. 

2) The next step is to take your syringe and place it inside your cat's ear. Only inject 2 drops of olive oil. Don't put in way too much! Rub the fat inside to ensure it goes everywhere and all the dirt comes up to the top (so you can quickly get rid of it).

3) The last step is to take a Q tip and adequately clean the inside of your cat's ear. Don't put the Q tip deep into the ear. Try to be as gentle as possible!

Ear mites may lead to excessive ear grooming and hair loss around the ears. When cats have ear mites, they will constantly itch their ears!

You should visit the vet if your cat is suffering from hair loss. The vet will give you some ear drops by the name of ivermectin. You have to use this daily and only put 2 tiny drops in. Try your best to get rid of ear mites as soon as possible.

Thank you for reading my blog! Don't hesitate to leave any of your queries in the comments!!
